Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

Pidato bahasa Inggris " Are There Aliens? "

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Are there aliens?

You may have laughed but there are only questions swirling in your head right now. Are these fantastical beings from other galaxies, a reality? Are there aliens? It is a question that has been debated for ages now. Are there aliens on earth? No one knows the answer for sure, but it is a subject that has captivated the imagination (and reality in some cases) of every earthling. Are there aliens out there? The answer would be a resounding yes, if you are a die-hard fan of X-files, Star Trek or more recently Taken.
Aliens and related paranormal activities have been a staple for popular fiction as far back as we know. And no, these have not been the subject of ridicule. It has mostly been an attempt to understand a mystery, which is probably way beyond our processing abilities.
What are Aliens? According to the Oxford Reference Dictionary, alien is a word used to refer to beings from other worlds. This of course is a simplified definition of extraterrestrial life. If history is to be believed, then aliens have been a subject of mystic for several centuries now, in civilizations of countries such as India, China, Babylon, South America and Arabia. Thales, the ancient Greek thinker, is believed to be one of the first proponents of the theory that life-forms existed on other planets. Are there aliens in space, is a question that has found mention in scriptures of several religions too.
There are several theories abounding, about the origin of life in other planets or galaxies. One popular belief is that life on different planets originated at those respective places. There is another theory that refutes the former by saying that all life originated in one place and then spread to other habitable planets. These beliefs give solutions to questions like, are there aliens on other planets, or are there aliens on the moon.
Aliens: a Reality. Are aliens real? Are aliens coming to earth? These are questions that have haunted scientists and common people for ages. But there are several, who are firm believers in the existence of life on other planets. There are strong propagators of the theory that the aliens are coming and have in fact been regular visitors to earth. Combine this with the very commonplace reported occurrences of UFO sightings and alien abduction stories and one cannot help but answer in the affirmative to the question, are there really aliens?
Scientifically, there have been several probes in order to shed light on this complex probability. One of the foremost research projects in this area has been the SETI or the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. This is the name for a number of activities that various people have undertaken in order to search for alien life. They use radio dishes to gather scientific evidence like electromagnetic waves, in order to search for life on other planets. For a number of years, these probes were funded by the U.S. government, but lately the funding has been taken on by private sources.
Several scientists have spent their lives trying to establish links between strange phenomena and the existence of life in outer space. Principal among them are Carl Sagan and Frank Drake. Carl Sagan theorized that alien life such as bacteria exist not only in our planet but throughout the universe. He also insisted that it is impossible that no other intelligent life exists in the universe other than on Earth.
There have been several other research projects to establish that there are such things as aliens. More important of them are the several space missions which have tried to establish life on Mars due to evidence of methane in the atmosphere and the mission to establish life on moon, due to reported presence of water. Of course, there are also other factors that need to be taken into consideration like alien abduction stories that have been reported by several people. In fact in a study carried out by Harvard in 2003, seven of 10 hypnotized abductees, described test done on them by their alien captors. Real alien sightings are also events that cannot be dismissed as overactive imagination.
Some believe, but are unable to prove with real scientific evidence, that there are aliens in space, and have been since the Renaissance era. Though, sceptics say it is all a big misunderstanding and that we believe what we want to believe. There is no true confirmation yet, only opinions and anecdotes.
This is my opinion. I do think that there are other life forms or "aliens" living in space. Think about it, space is HUGE! If we are the only living things in space...why is it so big?

We live in the Milky Way Galaxy. It was thought that this galaxy was the universe (space) until discoveries in the early 20th century. Now we know that it's one of the BILLIONS of galaxies in space. If there are billions of galaxies...don't you think there are more planets in those galaxies containing life? Even our Galaxy might have more planets that we haven't discovered yet! All the supposition in the world is worthless without evidence. No, at this point in time, there is no evidence of aliens at all, anywhere. I would not be surprised to learn that there are aliens, but it would be wrong of me to believe this or anything else without evidence, just because it would feel good. Try the website or Warning; these are not scientific/proof based sites. They accept anecdotes as if they were evidence of something besides the ability to speak. There is no reason to think so. No evidence, certainly no proof, nothing. I don't like the idea much but I have to say this. Someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the Universe, and there is no reason to think it is not us.

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